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Only the Drinker of the Water Knows its Temperature

You should be aware that attending a session is not something you can be perfunctory about,or just join in for fun.
这次观音七已经圆满了。每个人要把自己感应的境界向大众报告,给大众作为借镜。念观世音菩萨圣号,有什么感应?有什么境界?或者开了智慧?或者断了烦恼?或者破了执着?所谓“如人饮水,冷暖自知”。每个人自己知道,外人不晓得。 各位要晓得打七不是随梆唱影,敷衍了事,来凑热闹。而是克期取证,分秒必争的用功,一点也不能马虎。在这七天之中,或者见到菩萨现光,或者见到现华,或者感觉身心轻安愉快等等,这些都是境界。
This Guanyin session has been completed. Each of you should relate to the assembly any states or responses you've had, so the assembly can learn from your experiences. What kinds of responses did you have from reciting Guanyin Bodhisattva's holy name? What states did you have? Have you developed wisdom? Have you severed all afflictions? Have you broken through attachments? It's said, “In drinking water, only the drinker knows its temperature.” People know for themselves what others do not. Attending a session is not something you can be perfunctory about, or just join in for fun. To achieve something in the limited time available, you have to work hard, strive every second, not be casual. During these seven days, people may have seen Bodhisattvas emitting light, or flowers appearing, or felt a happiness and a light ease in their bodies and minds. These are all states.